
Wednesday 2 November 2011

The History of horror Films

1896 - Le Manoir Du Diable (Melies) - Vampire Horror

1913 - Der Golem (Wegener) - Monster Movie

1920 - The Cabinet of Dr Caligari - Psychological Horror

1922 - Nosferatu (Murnau) - Vampire and Gothic Horror

1923 - The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Gothic monster Horrror

1930's - Universal Studios made a plethora of horror films: Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy

1950's - Horror moves toward sci-fi and becomes a hybrid with Invasion Horror: The Thing from Another World - 1951, Invasion of the body Snatchers 1956

1960's - Moves towards Psychological Horror and Slashers: Psycho - 1960, Peeping Tom - 1965

1970's - Moves towards Demonic Horror: Rosemary's Baby - 1970, The Exorcist -1973, The Omen - 1976

1980's - Video nasties -  Friday the 13th - 1980, Nightmare on Elm Street - 1984

1990's - Postmodern - Self mocking and reflexive horrors: Scream - 1996, I Know What You Did Last Summer - 1996

2000's - Move towards more Supernatural Horror: Sixth Sense - 1999, Final destination - 1999, Also Action Horror Hybrids: Blade - 2000, van helsing - 2004