
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Nosferatu - 1922

An iconic image from the film; Count Orlok's shadow

A German expressionism film

Silent, black and white

Germany in 1922

Issues of reducing, limiting or abolishing weapons in Germany, the trial of war criminals had now receded into the background.
(Relates to vulnrability when weapons cannot be used as protection against powerful threats)

The issue of reparations and inflation, now dominated life in Germany.
(Relates to the greed, a recurring theme of the film)

Analysing the opening scene

What ideas are introduced?

The film's genre does not appear to be horror, but romance, a genre that horror films often include elements from.  There is a clear stereotyping of the roles of men and women in a horror film. 

The ideas of over sensitivity from the female character in the scene concerning the flowers, and the over protective and caring nature of the male character responding to her emotions shows this.  

Who are the characters?

Ellen Hutter - appears to be very feminine, naive, relies on hutter, emotional

Hutter - Positive attitude, comforting/loving, masculine, responsible, takes care of Ellen 

What are they doing?

Hutter is informing Ellen that he has to leave the country, he is entrusting his friend and his sister to take care of her


Sexism, love, loneliness,

Music and effect?

Violin and piano - nervous/panic during credits, fading into calm when Ellen is sewing, melancholy when Ellen is presented the flowers

Edits and their effects?

Fast cuts, showing different aspects/angles of the scene. 

Iris in/out - seen as nostalgic